I’ve been eating a gluten-free diet for almost a year now, due to autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis). It has helped me tremendously, but I love food and baked goods, so I’ve been on a mission to try and replicate some of my favourites using gluten-free flour mixes during the year.
This is the first Pesach (Passover) that I am facing baking gluten-free desserts, and guess what? Pesach is the PERFECT solution to gluten-free baking! The main dessert that I have been making every year for the seder happens to be naturally gluten-free, and so are the chocolate meringues that my kids love!
I wanted to take some pressure off all of you who are stressing over the upcoming holiday and share some super-easy (and not-surprisingly, protein rich!) desserts to share with your guests this holiday.
- Gluten-Free Chocolate Mousse Cake (from Genius Kitchen)
I love this cake! It’s half baked and half frozen. Like an ice-cream cake, it’s super-refreshing at the end of a big meal. Always a hit!
- Gluten-Free (Obviously!) Lemon (Citrus) Ices (from Genius Kitchen)
I usually make this as a granita by scraping it with a spoon every ½ hour or so. I also skip out on rind, ‘cuz I’m a lazy bum.
- Gluten-Free Chocolate Meringues (from The Food Network)
This is an easy and delicious recipe that my kids consider a staple. The only problem is they are only good fresh (and for a day or 2 after), and they don’t freeze. Those are usually 2 big criteria for me when I’m cooking for a crowd. Alas… Can’t argue when something is this yummy!
- Gluten-Free Sponge Cake (from Kosher.com)
What Pesach would be complete without a good protein-packed sponge cake! You know that your kids are getting at least 1 egg for every piece of cake – what more can you ask! In all honesty, sponge cake is one of my favourite things. It’s great in the morning with a cup of coffee, in afternoon with a cup of tea, or when you can’t sleep in the middle of the night with a good book.
- Gluten-Free Best-Ever Brownies (from StyleItKosher)
There are so many places that you can find similar recipes for these awesome brownies. It was first brought to my attention when our kids were in daycare. Before Pesach, their teacher gave everyone this recipe and they will forever be “Morah Shoshana’s Brownies” in our home!
I hope that this helps get you started with some basic staples that we have in our home.
What are your family’s favourite Pesach dessert? I’d love to try it out!
Another good one is the mighty Pavlova! A giant meringue that is topped with whipped cream and fresh berries, or whipped cream and drizzles of chocolate…whipped cream…mmmm
What an awesome idea! I can make meringues like a champ, but I’ve never been able to master the pavlova. Any suggestions?
Wishing you a great Pesach, Debbie!