A few months ago, I went to see my doctor. After months of not feeling well, shortness of breath, coughing, exhaustion,… she wrote me a note, insisting that I take a week off of work. Go completely off the grid for a full week. I looked at her and broke down crying. I had no idea how I would manage to rearrange my responsibilities, and take the time off. She scared the living shit out of me. Most people in the same situation would have been excited. I was not. This was a clear sign that something was wrong and I needed to start making some changes. It was also the exact reason that she felt I needed an actual prescription for my “vacation”.
Sometimes we need a kick in the ass
Sometimes, we need a kick in the ass to make the changes that we know we need. It’s a lot harder to say “I think this would be good for me” than to wait it out, until it becomes an absolute necessity. Or, until you get the note from the doctor that says you need to stop.
Not one person reading this is free of a weight on their shoulders. We may have different challenges in our lives, but the way of dealing with them all starts off simply – remembering to put ourselves first sometimes. I’m not saying that you should do this in every moment and thought of your day, but in every day, there should be some moments to recharge YOUR batteries.
Getting my thoughts down on paper (I am a devoted paper and BuJo addict!) is something that has always felt good to me, but like many things, I don’t make enough time for it. This blog is a way to give me the creative outlet that I need, yes, but at the same time, I want to help you discover ways to bring some calm into the daily hecticness that comes with raising a family, while still having to manage our work/life balance. I’ve gone through this. Heck, this is my everyday!
What taking care of me means
I am a mother of 3 – Aspergers/Autism, giftedness and teenagerhood (is that even a word?) are all part of my mix. I have been gifted with some of the most interesting characters to raise in this world – they are each awesome people. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of challenges in that mix – like with most families.
“Mom” usually ends up being at the bottom of the list. It is a fascinating gift that we have – the knack for not prioritizing our own needs – or better yet, considering them indulgences.
We all know that every flight begins with the security announcement of “please secure your mask before helping other passengers.” Why is this so hard for us? We need to be reminded that we need to secure our mask first or we won’t be of use to anyone around us.
Putting Mom First
It’s not just a title. I haven’t quite figured it out, but I know that there are many of you that, like me, need the reminder that it’s necessary. You’re worth it – and it’s been too long.
We will explore tips and ideas of ways to get even a few moments of me-time somewhere in the day, to help you gather your thoughts and clear some space in your head for YOU. I will share with you some challenges that I have faced, or continue to struggle with, to help us all find different ways of managing our never-ending juggling act. I will offer suggestions and ideas for ways that you can make some small changes that can have a lasting and helpful impact on your day-to-day lives.
The most important part of this is YOU! Your input, questions, ideas for posts will help me prepare the content that you want to read.
Thank you so much for taking this journey with me.