How good are you at putting
yourself first?
When we travel, the airlines always remind us that when there is an emergency we need to put our mask on first or we won’t be any help to those around us. As women, we often put ourselves on the bottom of the list – our family’s needs tend to come first.
Putting Mom First is about reminding ourselves how important our physical and mental health is to those around us. We won’t be of any use to anyone if we aren’t functioning ourselves.
A bit about me
My name is Chaviva. I am a mother of 3 – Aspergers/Autism, giftedness and teenagerhood (is that even a word?) are all part of my mix. I have been gifted with some of the most interesting characters to raise in this world – they are each awesome people. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of challenges in that mix – like with most families.
I have been gifted with some of the most interesting characters to raise in this world – they are each awesome people. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of challenges in that mix – like with most families.
The fact is, we all have our own package of challenges. It is figuring out how to work through them, day by day, that has gotten us to where we are now.
Truthfully, it’s often the advice of others that opens our eyes to solutions to things we struggle with. I know how much those around me have helped me, and how supported I have felt when going through tough times, but it only worked when I was ready to open up to them about my struggles.
Opening the conversation is what helps us the most. It helps us see that we are not alone in this and that there are people who have gone through similar struggles and come out the other end.
Let’s help each other
Putting Mom First is about helping you by sharing my own struggles and solutions. But it’s a conversation, so I hope to hear from you about what you read, and share your struggles so we can move forward and help each other.
Looking forward to meeting you all on the blog! The best place to get started is right here.